The nature of work life has changed significantly in recent decades. The requirements are more than ever. Nearly one in three European workers, or more than 40 million people, are suffering from work-related stress. Stress can affect everyone. Concerns employees, employers, managers, professionals, apprentices,a trainees and even work from home jobs.
Work stress is the reaction that many people have when they are under high pressure at work for a given period. Many people are motivated by the challenges and difficulties arising from the requirements of their work. Fulfilling these requirements leads satisfaction. However, when the pressure at work reaches high levels and lasts for a long time, people find the existence of a threat to the welfare or interests and then experienced feelings like fear, anger or anxiety.
There are may ways to manage work stress and over the year a lot of institutions carried out research about the causes of work stress and ways to eliminate it. In this article we outline 9 quick ways to help you manage your work stress starting from tomorrow.
1. Change your alarm
The fact that you may have already broken four alarms should have awakened you. The annoying sound of alarm is the worst way to start your day. Choose a happy sound from your mobile or buy an alarm with radio. In the first case, you can choose to wake up with your favourite song while the second can coordinate the radio to wake you in the sounds of your favourite radio station.
2. Do not underestimate the power of a good breakfast
If you think that the English are overweight because they eat eggs, bacon, bread and all sorts of goodies for breakfast, then this only a myth. The breakfast is not only the most important meal of day but is also necessary to cope with a difficult workday.
Unfortunately, we must wake up at least one quarter earlier to prepare the meal that will fill you with power, but it certainly worth’s it.
3. Take advantage of the time needed to travel to work
Especially if you live in a city where the average time to get to the office is over three quarters of an hour, you should take advantage of that time. We are talking about a time that it’s all yours to do what you want. The only condition is that you have to leave the car at home and give preference to public transport. Read your favourite book or your favourite magazine, make notes on the projects to be completed during the day, plan your financial budget, listen to your favourite music and generally spend the time and do whatever you want.
4. Prepare your mind
Find a few minutes in the day to prepare mentally and psychologically for all the issues you have to deal with in the field of work. A few minutes is enough to write down in a piece of paper all the outstanding obligations you have in the day, leaving everyone satisfied and making you happy. Unfortunately during the day a lot of urgent and unexpected obligations will pop up so you also need to take notes of them very quickly so as not to forget them later.
5. Relax and fill your batteries
Despite the difficulty you should try and be happy and optimistic throughout the day. This means that you must avoid irritation with people in the bus or train and arrive to work in a good mood. You have to be ready with your batteries filled up in order to make it throughout another hard day at work.
6. Do not forget to drink water
In the eight-hours (or so) of work many forget not only to eat something but they also forget to drink some water. Do not make the same mistake; especially if your job involves constant communication in meetings or on the phone, with hundred different people, you must drink water more often. The dehydration, dryness and central heating can make you get tired faster than you think, and the headaches are frequent in areas with lack of oxygen. Moreover, the water can keep toxins away and make your skin look better. Make sure that you carry with you a bottle of water from home if there is no vending machine or shop near your office.
7. Stand up, sit down
To sit still in one place for more than ten hours, can have a significant impact on your back and your overall health. You may not understand it now, but in a few years the pain is intolerable. Take advantage of every opportunity to get up and make small exercices. Walk to the toilet, make a circle around the office, take the stairs instead of the lift are enough to keep the energy and your well being.
8. Organise your office space
How can you be happy to work in an office that is messy and de-organized? Remember that the office is the place where you spend more than 1 / 3 of the day. Buy some decorative gadgets of your taste such as a frame (place the photo of your favourite), a pot (besides making the space more beautiful and colourful can also absorb moisture), or anything else that can make you feel better and relaxed.
9. Manage your time efficiently
Time at work is always limited and you are always under pressure. It is important that you manage your time efficiently. Some tips to help you:
1. Give priority to your most important tasks. Those tasks that matter most and can help you in your career.
2. Discover the time of the day that you are more productive and do the most difficult tasks during that time
3.Try to start and finish each task – do not start something else if you have not completed your previous task.
4. Ask the assistance of others. Do not try to do everything your self. Delegate some work to others.
5. Try to minimize interruptions: Close your email client, make your mobile silent and for some time try to work with your interruptions.
6. Refuse to undertake more tasks that you can handle.