Headaches and stress are two conditions that affect the quality of life and health of many people. Usually these two conditions are interrelated, as stress is a main cause for headaches.
Stress headaches are difficult to handle and the only way to get rid of them is to be able manage stress effectively. In cases that the self-help methods for fighting stress headaches do not have the desired result then you should get advice from a specialist doctor.
Some acts about stress headache
Stress is responsible for a large percentage of headaches affecting humans.
Stress is one of the major causes of headache.
The tension headaches are the most common form of headache and stress is responsible for a large percentage of cases.
The tension headaches are caused by increased tension in muscles of upper back, neck and head. People who have a tendency to depression or anxiety are likely to experience stress headache more frequently.
Also women due to the increased obligations they have as workers, wives and mothers, they tend to experience stress headache more frequently.
What is the major cause of stress headache?
Stress is accompanied by the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisone. These hormones increase the heartbeat and breathing frequency, they increase the blood pressure and muscle tension.
Along with the stress, the anxiety and depression conditions are exacerbating the problem of stress headache. The negative feelings tend to increase the blood biological factors that usually are accompanying stress while they are reducing endorphins and other substances that help relax and relieve the body.
There are many situations in daily life that create stress headache and negative mental state. These include the pressures on the professional environment, conjugal problems, parental role, interpersonal relations, economic difficulties and the many obligations of any kind that burden every day people.
The daily problems, leading through the stress and negative mental state such as depression and anxiety situations to stress headaches. Women are more vulnerable and therefore more often than men experience stress headaches.
Studies have shown that regular small problems of everyday people have greater influence in causing stress headache than major life events like marriage, divorce or job loss.
What is the recommended treatment for stress headache?
It is important that if the headache is persistent to get professional treatment from a doctor. The history, clinical examination and other additional tests (if needed), can reveal whether the patient is suffering from stress headache and exclude another disease that requires a different type or more drastic treatment.
For the stress headache besides the doctor other people that can help the patient are psychologists, chiropractors, physiotherapists or other professional who is qualified to provide a different form of complementary therapy.
Understanding and learning to handle stress better are the first steps in combating stress headache.
Particular importance should be given to patients with chronic stress. The chronic stress can cause heart disease, reduction of body defence mechanisms, and vulnerability to infection, diabetes, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders and increased blood pressure.
For the relief of stress headache, you can initially use analgesic drugs such as paracetamol, non-steroidal analgesics and aspirin.
Activities such as relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga, reading a good book, watching a good film, walking, cycling, swimming, running can provide a very good way to fight stress headache.
Exercise can also help to address depression and other negative psychological situations.
The massage of head, neck, and shoulders is a good method for getting quick relief from stress headache. The hypnosis, a warm bath, treatment with small magnets or electric currents, is additional methods that can be used to address the stress headaches.
Stress headaches are difficult to handle. If you can manage to handle the stress in your life you will also be able to get rid of the painful consequences of stress headaches.